
Anjon Animal Health is a biotechnology pioneer discovering and developing natural ingredient compounds for animal therapeutics. We are dedicated to creating effective products that use a proprietary blend of polyherbal ingredients that offer highly effective antimicrobial technology for the control of infection and the fast healing of bacterial and fungal topical diseases for the equine and livestock markets. Fully tested and used by veterinarians.

The use of alternative therapies to enhance or complement traditional treatments is increasingly becoming an accepted approach in combating a variety of afflictions. Anjon is leading this revolution, repurposing GRAS biological substances to help treat or improve the treatment of animals. We employ newly discovered technology to create topical preventative and curative treatments.

Safety & Social Responsibility
Anjon’s work creates new therapeutic methods in response to patient and doctor demands for alternative therapies. By employing biological, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) components Anjon meets its goal of the safety of the animal and of the environment while not diminishing the efficacy of the treatment.

All products can be purchased through 43 Farms Animal Health.
You can call (805) 434-7086 or email nbourgault@43farmsanimalhealth.com

for more information.

All Anjon Animal Health products

Each contain a winning blend of all-natural organic ingredients that heal wounds fast and control topical fungal and bacterial diseases.


Safe, Effective & Fast-Acting Immune System Management

The healthy animal is protected by a fully functioning immune system, but the immune system can be quickly overwhelmed by one of the numerous pathogens found in commercial agriculture operations. It is imperative that producers not only minimize pathogen loads coming in contact with the animals but support the immune system helping it by fending off pathogens.

Our technology acts to support and increase the effectiveness of the immune system response by reducing the integrity of both the bacterial cell wall and viral RNA proteins. This selective targeting has proven effective in mitigating disease and maintaining a healthy animal that maximizes growth potential and feeds conversion while minimizing mortality and morbidity.

ImmuniFix button
GastroFix BV Button